Country Codes

Country Codes

Behind the kennel names and before the the titles you will find the following country codes. If a kennel has moved from one country to another, this is marked by a combined country code, e. g. (GB/USA):

Abbreviation Country
A Austria
ARG Argentina
AUS Australia
B Belgium
BDA Bermudas
BG Bulgaria
BIH Bosnia and Herzegowina
BLR Belarus
BRA Brazil
CAN Canada
CH Switzerland
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CZ Czech Republic
DDR the old German Democratic Republic
DK Denmark
E Spain
EST Estonia
F France
GB or UK Great Britian
GIB Gibraltar
GR Greece
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
I Italy
IRL Ireland
ISR Israel
JP Japan
KAZ Kazakhstan
KOR Corea
L Luxembourg
LT Lithuania
LV Latvia
MC Monaco
MEX Mexico
N Norway
NL The Nietherlands
NZ New Zealand
PL Poland
PORT Portugal
RCH Chile
RO Romania
RSM San Marino
RUS Russia
S Sweden
SA South Africa
SF Finland
SK Slovacian Republic
SLO Slowenia
SRB Serbia
TR Turkey
UKR Ukraine
UZ Uzbekistan
VEN Venezuela
YU old Jugoslavia
ZW Zimbabwe

Further abbreviations may appear, which are mostly of German origin:

abbreviation description FCI-recognized
ACH Allgemeiner Klub der Hundefreunde Deutschland e. V. no
ADKN Allgemeiner Deutscher Klub für Neufundländer e. V. no
BRV Bayerischer Rassehunde Verband e. V. (seit 12.12.2010 neu: FCG Föderation Canis Germany e. V.) no
DNK Deutscher Neufundländer-Klub e. V. yes
DRC Deutscher Rassehunde Klub e. V. no
HVD Hundefreunde Verein Deutschland e. V. no
IRC Internationaler Rassehunde Klub im ARC e. V. no
IRJGV Int.-Rasse-Jagd-Gebrauchshunde-Verband e. V. no
IRV Internationaler Rassehunde-Verband e. V. no
NCE Neufundländerklub für Europa e. V. no
NLC Neufundländer-Landseer-Club e. V. no
NRV Nordwestdeutscher Rassehunde Verband e. V. no
VND Verein von Neufundländer-Freunden und Züchtern in Deutschland e. V. yes

In many countries there are breeders who are not always breeding with a registered kennel name. Often they are not member of any club and/or the kennel club of their country. Mostly such dogs are named only with a "first name". In the kennel field the last name of the breeder appears, if we know it; if not it is named "unbekannt" (unknown) with country code. There are also countries which require that a breeder first must have had x litters without a kennel name, before finally he is allowed to use a kennel name. So there are "two rows", in which the dogs of the same breeder once appear with the surname of the breeder and then again with the registered kennel name.
