ED (elbow-dysplasia)

abbreviation in the database description country
(0) normal only Italy
0 or A normal different countries
ua(0) normal Sweden
BL borderline different countries
Grenzfall borderline Austria, Germany, Switzerland
1, 2, 3 grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 different countries
FPC Fragmented Processus Coronoideus different countries
LPCL Los Processus Coronoideus left different countries
LPCR Los Processus Coronoideus right different countries
LPA Los Processus Anconeus different countries
DJD Degenerative Joint Disease OFA
artros prel. kraftig utbredn. arthrosis preliminary strong Sweden
artros prel. lindrig utbredn. arthrosis preliminary mild Sweden
artros prel. mattlig utbredn. arthrosis preliminary moderate Sweden
SL borderline France
prel. or preliminary preliminary result, since the dog was examined
before the required age
vrij normal Netherlands

old abbreviations for Finland, Norway and Sweden

    A = normal (fri)
    B = borderline
    C = mild (swak)
    D = moderate (middels)
    E = severe (sterk)
