abbreviation in the database | description | country |
(0) | normal | only Italy |
0 or A | normal | different countries |
ua(0) | normal | Sweden |
BL | borderline | different countries |
Grenzfall | borderline | Austria, Germany, Switzerland |
1, 2, 3 | grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 | different countries |
FPC | Fragmented Processus Coronoideus | different countries |
LPCL | Los Processus Coronoideus left | different countries |
LPCR | Los Processus Coronoideus right | different countries |
LPA | Los Processus Anconeus | different countries |
DJD | Degenerative Joint Disease | OFA |
artros prel. kraftig utbredn. | arthrosis preliminary strong | Sweden |
artros prel. lindrig utbredn. | arthrosis preliminary mild | Sweden |
artros prel. mattlig utbredn. | arthrosis preliminary moderate | Sweden |
SL | borderline | France |
prel. or preliminary | preliminary result, since the dog was examined before the required age |
vrij | normal | Netherlands |
old abbreviations for Finland, Norway and Sweden
- A = normal (fri)
- B = borderline
- C = mild (swak)
- D = moderate (middels)
- E = severe (sterk)